omitted-slots-for-saving/sendingSaving and Sendingprint-slot-for-saving/sendingprint-object-for-saving/sendingGoTo Top

print-object-for-saving/sending   object stream => object[Generic Function]

Write the printed representation of object to stream when saving or sending.

Method signatures

print-object-for-saving/sending  (object array) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object bit-vector) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object cons) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object function) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object generic-function) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object hash-table) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object package) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object standard-class) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object standard-generic-function) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object standard-object) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object standard-unit-instance) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object string) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object structure-object) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object vector) stream => object
print-object-for-saving/sending  (object t) stream => object

Package   :gbbopen-tools

Module   :gbbopen-tools (the unit-instance method is added by :gbbopen-core)

Arguments and values

object     An object
stream     A stream

The object.

A call to print-object-for-saving/sending was made outside the dynamic scope of a with-saving/sending-block.

See also

Define a method to save/send compiled-function references, when possible:

  (defmethod print-object-for-saving/sending ((fn function)
    (flet ((save/send-error ()
             (let ((*print-readably* nil))
               (error "Unable to save/send ~s reliably." fn))))
      (typecase fn
         (multiple-value-bind (lambda-expression closure-p name)
             (function-lambda-expression fn)
           (declare (ignore lambda-expression)
                    #+(or cmu sbcl)
                    (ignore closure-p))
           (when (or 
                  ;; CMUCL and SBCL always return that
                  ;; closure-p is true, so we ignore their
                  ;; closure-p value and risk that `fn' might
                  ;; be a non-trivial closure that can't be
                  ;; represented externally:
                  #-(or cmu sbcl)
                  ;; Implementations are free to always return
                  ;; nil as name or return an object that is
                  ;; not valid for use as a name in function.
                  ;; Fortunately, implementations usually
                  ;; provide a useful name value:
                  (not (symbolp name))
                  (not name))
           (format stream "#'~s" name)))
        (otherwise (save/send-error))))
Note that the above method is not without risk, but it will work in many situations.

The GBBopen Project

omitted-slots-for-saving/sendingSaving and Sendingprint-slot-for-saving/sendingprint-object-for-saving/sendingGoTo Top