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change-space-instance   space-instance &key allowed-unit-classes dimensions storage => space-instance[Function]

Change the dimensions, allowed unit classes, and storage of a space instance.

Package   :gbbopen

Module   :gbbopen-core

Arguments and values

space-instance-or-path     The space instance or space-instance path to be changed
allowed-unit-classes     An extended unit-classes specification or nil (see below; default is t)
dimensions     A list of (dimension-name dimension-type-specifier) pairs (default is nil)
storage     A storage specification (see below; default is (t t unstructured) or nil if allowed-unit-classes is nil)
space-instance     The space instance

The space instance that was changed.

When the allowed unit classes of space-instance are made more restrictive, unit instances that are no longer allowed on the space instance are removed from space-instance, signaling a instance-removed-from-space-instance-event for each removed unit instance.

Detailed syntax

allowed-unit-classes ::= unit-classes-specifier | nil

dimension-type-specifier ::= :ordered | (:ordered [ordered-comparison-type]) |
:enumerated | (:enumerated [enumerated-comparison-type]) |
:boolean | (:boolean [boolean-comparison-type])
ordered-comparison-type ::= number | fixnum | short-float | single-float |
double-float | long-float |
enumerated-comparison-type ::= eq | eql | equal | equalp
boolean-comparison-type ::= t
unit-classes-specifier ::= t | single-unit-class-specifier | (single-unit-class-specifier+)
single-unit-class-specifier ::= atomic-unit-class | (atomic-unit-class subclassing-specifier)
atomic-unit-class ::= unit-class | unit-class-name

storage ::= (unit-class-specifier dimension-names storage-specification)*
dimension-names ::= dimension-name | (dimension-name+) | t
storage-specification ::= unstructured |
boolean |
uniform-buckets :layout dimension-buckets-specification+ |
hashed [:size integer]
dimension-buckets-specification ::= (start-value end-value bucket-width)

The default ordered-comparison-type, if unspecified, is number. The default enumerated-comparison-type, if unspecified, is eql. The default boolean-comparison-type is t.


dimension-name     A symbol specifying a dimension

See also

Change the storage of space instance (bb hyp) to the default unstructured storage for all unit instances:

  > (change-space-instance '(bb hyps) :storage nil)
  #<standard-space-instance (bb hyps)>
Now change it to store hyp unit instances with uniform-bucket storage for indexing in the x and y dimensions and hashed storage in the classification dimension:
  > (change-space-instance '(bb hyps)
       :storage '(((hyp :plus-subclasses) (x y) 
                    uniform-buckets :layout ((0 10000 100)
                                             (0 10000 100)))
                  ((hyp :plus-subclasses) (classification) 
  #<standard-space-instance (bb hyps)>
Now change it to store only hyp unit instances (no subclasses) with uniform-bucket storage for indexing in the x and y dimensions and hashed storage in the classification dimension:
  > (change-space-instance '(bb hyps)
       :allowed-unit-classes 'hyp     
       :storage '((hyp (x y) 
                   uniform-buckets :layout ((0 10000 100)
                                            (0 10000 100)))
                  (hyp (classification) hashed)))
  #<standard-space-instance (bb hyps)>
Any unit instances that are subclasses of hyp are removed from the (bb hyps) space instance by the above change in allowed unit classes.

The GBBopen Project

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