AcknowledgmentsTopCreating a Unit InstanceStarting GBBopenGoTo Top

Starting GBBopen

This initial exercise requires that you:

Step 1: Obtain and install Common Lisp

GBBopen requires a supported Common Lisp implementation. If one has already been installed on your system, then this step is finished. (That was easy!) If not, then you will need to choose, obtain, and install a Common Lisp implementation before moving on to the next step.

The list of Common Lisp implementations, with version numbers, on which GBBopen is supported is maintained on the “Current ports” page of the GBBopen Project web site. The list includes commercial products and open-source implementations made available under varying license arrangements. The vendors of commercial Common Lisp products offer no-cost “Trial” or “Personal” editions that can support the tutorial exercises and allow you to become familiar with their products before making a purchase decision.

Choosing a particular implementation is a subjective decision. Some Common Lisp implementations run on only a single platform. Some implementations do not provide multiprocessing (thread) support on some or all of the platforms that they run on. Some implementations come with their own integrated development environment (IDE), interactive graphics facilities, and supported libraries and extensions. When it comes to selecting an implementation, there is no “best” answer (but there is also no wrong answer, if the implementation meets your current needs). All these Common Lisp implementations strive to conform to the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) standard for the Common Lisp language. By writing GBBopen applications to remain consistent with the ANSI standard (including portable extensions to the standard that are provided by GBBopen), we can easily run our code on any Common Lisp implementation that provides similar capabilities (such as threads, for example).

However you choose to obtain Common Lisp, you must have an installed and operating implementation for your system before proceeding to the next step.

Step 2: Obtain and install GBBopen

Unless someone has already installed GBBopen on your machine, you will need to obtain and install it. GBBopen is available in source form from In this step I discuss three different approaches for downloading GBBopen, and you can follow whichever approach is most familiar for you. (In the absence of any preference, I recommend the Subversion client approach.)

Downloading the snapshot archive

A snapshot archive of the GBBopen source-code repository can be downloaded from Extract the archive into a directory of your choosing, and follow the “Compiling All GBBopen Modules” instructions that are contained in the README file of the installation.

Downloading with Subversion

Alternatively, if you are familiar with Subversion and have a Subversion client installed on your computer, you can checkout the latest files directly from the GBBopen repository. For example, the shell command:

  [~]$ svn checkout gbbopen
will create a GBBopen repository tree rooted at the directory named gbbopen in your current working directory. As above, follow the “Compiling All GBBopen Modules” instructions that are contained in the README file of the installation.

GBBopen development is ongoing, and you should update your GBBopen installation regularly in order to obtain the latest capabilities and enhancements. Subversion provides an easy way to keep current, and you are strongly encouraged to install a Subversion client and use it perform frequent updates. Simply issue the command:

  [~/gbbopen]$ svn update
from the root directory of your GBBopen repository tree. The TortoiseSVN Subversion client is highly recommended for Windows users. TortoiseSVN is smoothly integrated with the Windows Shell (Explorer) and is as easy to use as TortoiseCVS (also highly recommended if aren't already using it as your CVS client on Windows).

Subversion .svn administrative directories are included in the GBBopen snapshot archive, so a Subversion update command can be used to freshen a GBBopen installation that was originally installed using the snapshot archive download-and-extraction approach described previously.

Downloading with clbuild

If you use clbuild, you can use it to download the latest GBBopen sources by issuing the following command:

  [~]$ clbuild install gbbopen

At any later time, you can issue the command:

  [~]$ clbuild update gbbopen
to obtain the latest sources from the GBBopen repository.

If your clbuild doesn't know about GBBopen, add the following line to the clbuild wnpp-projects file:

  gbbopen get_svn #blackboard-system framework, tools, & utilities

As was the case with the other two download methods, follow the “Compiling All GBBopen Modules” instructions that are contained in the GBBopen README file to complete the installation.

Downloading with Quicklisp

If you use Quicklisp, you can use it to download and install GBBopen by evaluating the following form once Quicklisp is set up:

  > (ql:quickload "gbbopen")
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;; Predefining :SWANK-BACKEND package for SLIME...
  ;; No shared module command definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module command definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/extended-repl.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/commands.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules-directory.lisp
  ;; No shared module command definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module command definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; Defining an ASDF defsystem for each Module Manager module...
  To load "gbbopen":
    Load 1 ASDF system:
  ; Loading "gbbopen"


As was the case with the other download methods, follow the “Compiling All GBBopen Modules” instructions that are contained in the GBBopen README file to complete the installation.

Step 3: Join the GBBopen Forum

If you need help or advice, the GBBopen Forum is the place to ask (should this tutorial and a search of the Forum boards come up short). The posts and advice available there will save you time and frustration and get you writing quality GBBopen applications easier and sooner. Why not register right now?

Step 4: Interact with the REPL

This tutorial assumes that you have a basic understanding of Common Lisp and, in particular, how to interact with the Common Lisp implementation that you are using. Thus, you should be able to start up your Common Lisp system and enter forms into the “Lisp Listener” (also called the read-eval-print loop or simply the REPL) that it provides.

When you start your Common Lisp system, it may first display some informational messages and then you should see a prompt for input that looks something like:

The specific format of the prompt differs depending on your Common Lisp implementation. The prompt character may vary, such as *, :, or ?. The prompt might include a entry number that is incremented each time an expression is entered, such as:
or it might also include the name of the current package (symbol namespace) being used by the REPL:

For the remainder of this tutorial, we will include the package name in our example prompts to make it clear what package should be current:

The REPL prompt indicates that it is awaiting a Common Lisp expression to evaluate and then display the evaluation results. For example, enter the expression:
  cl-user> (+ 1 2)
Note that what you need to enter is shown in black and other items, such as the REPL prompt and displayed result, 3, are shown in gray. We will follow this convention throughout the tutorial to help make it clear what you must provide in the context of other information.

You may find it easier and faster to cut and paste text from this tutorial (if you are working with it on-line) rather than typing what is requested. On the other hand, some feel that they learn faster (and improve retention) through the action of typing. Either text-entry approach, however, is preferable to simply reading through the exercises. This tutorial is about learning by doing!

While we are on the subject of what is displayed, enter the following expression:

  cl-user> 'symbol
The displayed result that you see might be in lower case, as shown, or upper case, or even capitalized. In this tutorial, results are shown with Common Lisp symbols displayed in lower case, which I prefer as being slightly easier to read. If you wish, you can duplicate this behavior in your REPL by entering the following form:
  cl-user> (setf *print-case* ':downcase)

Your Common Lisp implementation may also differ slightly on how it displays multiple returned values. For example:

  cl-user> (values 1 2 3)

In this tutorial, we show multiple returned values as displayed on separate lines. Your Common Lisp implementation may show them differently, such as with semicolon value-separator characters:

  cl-user> (values 1 2 3)
  1 ;
  2 ;

Step 5: Recover from an error

Even you are a very careful typist, sooner or later you will enter a Common Lisp expression that signals an error. Therefore, it is important that you know how to get back on track when the inevitable occurs. Let's intentionally generate an error. Enter:

  cl-user> (/ 1 0)
  Error: Attempt to divide 1 by zero.

The behavior of your Common Lisp environment should look similar, and you should now be in your implementation's debugger or “break loop.” The debugger prompt may differ from the standard REPL prompt to help remind you that you are in the break loop. Alternatively, your implementation may open another window or buffer in response to the error. Your implementation may allow you to continue entering Common Lisp expressions at the break prompt that are evaluated and the results displayed just as if you were in the normal REPL (opening the possibility of causing another error and triggering another instance of the debugger). You can use the debugger to inspect the nesting, or “backtrace,” of function calls that led to the error, view and edit local variable bindings, and so forth, and you can often correct the cause of the error and resume the broken evaluation directly from the debugger.

For this tutorial, you only need to know how to abort out of the evaluation and return back to the REPL if you trigger an error. The details for aborting the computation and exiting the debugger are implementation dependent, so you may need to investigate how to abort out of an error on your Common Lisp implementation. For example, it might be as easy as entering an abort debugger command:

  cl-user> (/ 1 0)
  Error: Attempt to divide 1 by zero.
  cl-user>> :a
Consult your Common Lisp documentation or a knowledgeable friend if you need assistance with the debugger in your Common Lisp implementation (:a or q are typical abort commands).

Breaking a computation

There are other mistakes that don't signal an error. Suppose I foolishly evaluate this expression:

  cl-user> (loop (print "This is repetitive...") (sleep 1))

  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is repetitive..." 
Once I grow tired of watching this phrase repeat, it would be good to terminate the evaluation without having to kill the entire Common Lisp program.

Again, the specifics depend on your Common Lisp environment, but all that is needed is to interrupt, or “break,” the computation. Often this is associated with typing one or more Control-c (^c) characters:

  cl-user> (loop (print "This is repetitive...") (sleep 1))

  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is rep^C
  Error: Received keyboard interrupt ^C
Typically a keyboard interrupt invokes the debugger where the computation can be resumed or aborted:
  cl-user> (loop (print "This is repetitive...") (sleep 1))

  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is repetitive..." 
  "This is rep^C
  Error: Received keyboard interrupt ^C
  cl-user>> :a

Help! My REPL is broken!

Here is one last difficulty. Suppose I enter:

  cl-user> (list "This" "is "also" "a" "problem!")
My REPL seems dead: no result is displayed and I continue to be prompted again and again for input. I suppose I should try the entering the expression again:
  cl-user> (list "This" "is "also" "a" "problem!")
  cl-user> (list "This" "is" "also" "a" "problem!")
Nope, my REPL is still broken.

Of course the cause of the problem is that I forgot the closing double-quote character on "is" when I entered the first expression. The REPL is still patiently waiting for me to finish that first Common Lisp expression. (I didn't break it after all!)

So how do I get out of this? I could try entering a sequence of double-quote and close parentheses and hope I that I get lucky:

  cl-user> (list "This" "is "also" "a" "problem!")
  cl-user> (list "This" "is" "also" "a" "problem!")
  cl-user> "
  cl-user> )
  Error: Attempt to take the value of the unbound variable `also'.
or I could interrupt the REPL read operation, just as I did with the infinite loop situation above, and abort back from the debugger to the REPL and try again:
  cl-user> (list "This" "is "also" "a" "problem!")
  cl-user> (list "This" "is" "also" "a" "problem!")
  cl-user> ^C
  Error: Received keyboard interrupt ^C
  cl-user>> :a
  cl-user> (list "This" "is" "also" "a" "problem!")
  ("This" "is" "also" "a" "problem!")

You may discover even more creative ways to get into problems, but these example situations should give you enough experience to get through the rest of the tutorial.

Step 6: Load the :gbbopen-user module

GBBopen is packaged with its own module system that supports compiling and loading GBBopen components.

To compile and load the :gbbopen-user module and all the GBBopen modules it requires, you need to evaluate the following forms within your Common Lisp environment. Unless you are using GBBopen with ASDF, clbuild, or Quicklisp (see below), load GBBopen's <install-dir>/initiate.lisp file from wherever GBBopen was installed:

  cl-user> (load "<install-dir>/initiate.lisp")
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/extended-repl.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/commands.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules-directory.lisp
  ;; No shared module command definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module command definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  cl-user> :gbbopen-user
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;  Loading <install-dir>/source/module-manager/module-manager-loader.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/module-manager/module-manager.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/modules.lisp
  ;; No shared module definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; Compiling <install-dir>/source/gbbopen/gbbopen-user.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/gbbopen/gbbopen-user.fasl

GBBopen should compile (if necessary) and load all the files needed for the next exercise without error. The output on your Common Lisp implementation may vary somewhat from that shown above. For example, the file extension for compiled files, shown as .fasl throughout this tutorial, is dependent on your Common Lisp implementation and platform.

ASDF, clbuild, and Quicklisp users
GBBopen's Module Manager Facility provides an interface that allows ASDF (and therefore clbuild and Quicklisp) to play nice with Module Manager. If you installed GBBopen using clbuild or Quicklisp, ASDF has been informed of GBBopen's <install-dir>/gbbopen.asd system-definition file. Otherwise, to use ASDF to set up GBBopen, you must add the gbbopen.asd file to ASDF's Registry manually. Then, instead of loading the <install-dir>/initiate.lisp file, the Module Manager and GBBopen module definitions can be loaded using ASDF by entering:
  cl-user> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'gbbbopen)
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;  Loading <install-dir>/source/module-manager/module-manager-loader.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/module-manager/module-manager.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/modules.lisp
  ;; No shared module definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; Defining an ASDF defsystem for each Module Manager module...
or when ASDF is integrated with Common Lisp's require:
  cl-user> (require :gbbopen)
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;  Loading <install-dir>/source/module-manager/module-manager-loader.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/module-manager/module-manager.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/modules.lisp
  ;; No shared module definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; Defining an ASDF defsystem for each Module Manager module...

Notice that loading the <install-dir>/initiate.lisp file loaded only GBBopen's REPL command processing extensions, global REPL command definitions, and module-directory processing into Common Lisp–the Module Manager is not loaded until it is needed (such as when we performed the :gbbopen-user REPL command). The ASDF :gbbopen “system” start up, on the other hand, must also load the Module Manager and module definitions, as they are required in order to define an ASDF system for each Module Manager module.


Note that when the :gbbopen-user module was loaded, the Module Manager changed the current package to the :gbbopen-user package. In the Common Lisp implementation above, this is shown by the new package name in the REPL prompt. The current package can also be seen by evaluating:

  cl-user> *package*
  #<package GBBOPEN-USER>

In Common Lisp, a package is a namespace that maps names to symbols. One package is always designated as the “current” package, and it is this package that is used by default for creating and finding symbols by their names. Initially, the current package is set to the :common-lisp-user package. The :gbbopen-user module creates a new package, named :gbbopen-user, that includes GBBopen Tools and GBBopen Core symbols in addition to the standard Common Lisp symbols. If the current package is not set to the :gbbopen-user package in the exercises to follow, references to GBBopen functions and variables will not map to the proper symbols.

If it didn't work...

If you are running GBBopen in a Common Lisp environment that doesn't support REPL commands and the :gbbopen-user REPL command didn't work, all is not lost. Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp also defines functions in the :common-lisp-user package with the same name as the REPL command:

  cl-user> (load "<install-dir>/initiate.lisp")
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/extended-repl.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/commands.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules-directory.lisp
  ;; No shared module command definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module command definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  cl-user> (gbbopen-user)
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/gbbopen/gbbopen-user.fasl

File protection problems?

If one or more GBBopen files needs to be compiled, you must have write permission for those files and directories on your file system. If you do not have write permission and someone else is maintaining your GBBopen installation, you must remind them that they should perform the “Compiling All GBBopen Modules” operations (described in the GBBopen installation README file) every time they update GBBopen to ensure that all the latest GBBopen files have been compiled.

REPL command syntax

GBBopen's REPL commands are defined to mimic the syntax of existing REPL commands in your Common Lisp environment. REPL commands, including those that have arguments, are normally specified using a non-list (“spread”) representation. For example:

  cl-user> :gbbopen-user :create-dirs
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/gbbopen/gbbopen-user.fasl
Some Common Lisp implementations (Clozure CL, LispWorks, and SBCL) and the SLIME REPL interface, also support REPL commands in non-spread (list) form in addition to the spread notation. For example:
  cl-user> (:gbbopen-user :create-dirs)
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/gbbopen/gbbopen-user.fasl

As noted above, equivalent functions in the :common-lisp-user package are always defined for each REPL command, and these functions can be used in place of the keyword REPL command processing:

  cl-user> (cl-user:gbbopen-user :create-dirs)
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/gbbopen/gbbopen-user.fasl

We will show the spread command syntax throughout the rest of the Tutorial. (GBBopen's REPL commands are summarized in the GBBopen REPL Commands Quick Reference Card, available on the GBBopen web site.)

Beyond <install-dir>/initiate.lisp

Although loading GBBopen's <install-dir>/initiate.lisp file is a very easy way to get started with GBBopen, setting up your computing environment for serious GBBopen development requires only a few moments that will be recouped almost immediately. The steps needed to set everything up will be detailed soon in the Enhancing Your Development Environment exercise.

The GBBopen Project

AcknowledgmentsTopCreating a Unit InstanceStarting GBBopenGoTo Top