AcknowledgmentsTopModule Manager FacilityStarting UpGoTo Top

Starting Up

GBBopen is packaged with its own module system that supports compiling and loading GBBopen components. The Module Manager Facility is designed for ease of use and for simplicity in porting to Common Lisp implementations. For example, to compile all GBBopen modules, you only need to evaluate the following forms within your Common Lisp environment. First load GBBopen's <install-directory>/initiate.lisp file:

  cl-user> (load "<install-dir>/initiate.lisp")
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/extended-repl.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/commands.lisp
  ;;     Loading <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules-directory.lisp
  ;; No shared module command definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module command definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
Notice that some additional GBBopen initialization files have been loaded by this file as well as GBBopen's top level read-eval-print loop (REPL) command definitions.

Windows users
If you are running GBBopen on Windows, note that backslash is the escape character in the standard Common Lisp reader; it causes the next character to treated as a normal character rather than as having any special syntactic characteristics. So, each backslash in a file-name string must be entered as two backslash characters. For example:
  > (load "c:\\GBBopen\\initiate.lisp")

Many Common Lisp implementations also support Unix-style regular slashes in Windows file names (e.g., "c:/GBBopen/initiate.lisp"), which can be particularly convenient when typing file names in the REPL.

Top-level REPL commands

The files loaded by <install-directory>/initiate.lisp add some handy REPL keyword commands when running Allegro CL, Clozure CL, CMUCL, ECL, LispWorks, SBCL, and Scieneer CL users. Some interaction interfaces, such as SLIME, use their own REPL rather than the top-level listener provided by the Common Lisp implementation and, therefore, may not support keyword REPL command processing. GBBopen provides a Swank extension to the SLIME REPL that supports REPL keyword commands.

Built-in and GBBopen REPL commands are defined in the file <install-directory>/commands.lisp. REPL commands, including those that have arguments, are specified using a non-list (“spread”) representation. For example:

  > :gbbopen-test :propagate :create-dirs

Some Common Lisp implementations (Clozure CL, LispWorks, and SBCL) and the SLIME REPL interface, also support REPL commands in non-spread (list) form in addition to the spread notation. For example:

  > (:gbbopen-test :propagate :create-dirs)
Equivalent functions in the :common-lisp-user package are always defined for each REPL command, and these functions can be used in place of REPL keyword-command processing.

Compiling all GBBopen modules

Once <install-dir>/initiate.lisp, all GBBopen modules can be compiled by entering the following REPL command:
  cl-user> :compile-gbbopen
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;  Loading <install-dir>/source/module-manager/module-manager-loader.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/module-manager/module-manager.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/modules.lisp
  ;; No shared module definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;;; GBBopen modules compilation completed.
  [Common Lisp will exit]
GBBopen should compile all GBBopen modules and then exit Common Lisp without error.

As can be seen from the file-loading messages, the startup.lisp file that is loaded by the :compile-gbbopen command loads a bootstrap loader file for the Module Manager Facility (the file source/module-manager/module-manager-loader.lisp). This bootstrap file then loads the Module Manager files (source/module-manager/module-manager.lisp and source/module-manager/module-manager-user.lisp) followed by the module definitions for all GBBopen modules (contained in the file source/modules.lisp). Then the Module Manager is used to compile all GBBopen modules.

ASDF, clbuild, and Quicklisp users
GBBopen's Module Manager Facility provides an interface that allows ASDF (and therefore clbuild and Quicklisp) to play nice with Module Manager. If you installed GBBopen using clbuild or Quicklisp, ASDF has been informed of GBBopen's <install-dir>/gbbopen.asd system-definition file. Otherwise, to use ASDF to set up GBBopen, you must add the gbbopen.asd file to ASDF's Registry manually. Then, instead of loading the <install-dir>/initiate.lisp file, the Module Manager and GBBopen module definitions can be loaded using ASDF by entering:
  cl-user> (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op :gbbbopen)
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;  Loading <install-dir>/source/module-manager/module-manager-loader.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/module-manager/module-manager.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/modules.lisp
  ;; No shared module definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; Defining an ASDF defsystem for each Module Manager module...
or when ASDF is integrated with Common Lisp's require:
  cl-user> (require :gbbopen)
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/initiate.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/startup.lisp
  ;; GBBopen is installed in <install-dir>
  ;; Your "home" directory is <homedir>
  ;;  Loading <install-dir>/source/module-manager/module-manager-loader.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/<platform-dir>/module-manager/module-manager.lisp
  ;; Loading <install-dir>/modules.lisp
  ;; No shared module definitions were found in <install-dir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; No personal module definitions were found in <homedir>/gbbopen-modules/.
  ;; Defining an ASDF defsystem for each Module Manager module...

Notice that loading the <install-dir>/initiate.lisp file loaded only GBBopen's REPL command processing extensions, global REPL command definitions, and module-directory processing into Common Lisp–the Module Manager is not loaded until it is needed (such as when we performed the :gbbopen-user REPL command). The ASDF :gbbopen “system” start up, on the other hand, must also load the Module Manager and module definitions, as they are required in order to define an ASDF system for each Module Manager module.

Personal gbbopen-init.lisp file

If a gbbopen-init.lisp file (source or compiled) is present in the user's “home” directory (as defined by user-homedir-pathname), it is loaded by the <install-directory>/startup.lisp file after the Module Manager Facility and definitions have been loaded. A personal <homedir>/gbbopen-init.lisp file is a handy mechanism for defining user-specific modules, application modules, GBBopen parameters, and other personalizations.

Here is a simple example of a personal <homedir>/gbbopen-init.lisp file that defines a root directory named :my-app-root and the module :my-app:

  ;;;; -*- Mode:Common-Lisp; Package:CL-USER -*-

  (in-package :cl-user)

  (module-manager:define-root-directory :my-app-root 
      (make-pathname :directory "~/my-app"))    

  (module-manager:define-module :my-app
    (:requires :gbbopen-user)
    (:directory :my-app-root)
    (:files "my-file"))

  ;;; ===============================================
  ;;;   End of File
  ;;; ===============================================

For shared or more substantial application modules, we recommend a packaging convention that mirrors that of GBBopen. This will be discussed shortly in conjunction with using a personal gbbopen-modules directory.

Personal gbbopen-commands.lisp file

You can create your own REPL commands by defining them in a personal gbbopen-commands.lisp file. If a gbbopen-commands file (source or compiled) is present in the user's “homedir” home directory (as defined by user-homedir-pathname), it is loaded automatically by GBBopen's initiate.lisp file. For example, the following personal gbbopen-commands.lisp file defines a REPL command (named :my-app) and an equivalent function (cl-user::my-app) for compiling and loading the :my-app module that was defined above:
  ;;;; -*- Mode:Common-Lisp; Package:CL-USER -*-

  (in-package :cl-user)

  (define-repl-command :my-app (&rest options)
    "Compile and load my GBBopen application module"
    (startup-module :my-app options :gbbopen-user))

  ;;; ===============================================
  ;;;   End of File
  ;;; ===============================================

Personal gbbopen-modules directory

Although a personal gbbopen-init.lisp file can be used to define the module :my-app, GBBopen provides an alternative mechanism that is even more convenient if you develop, share, or use a number of modules or applications.

If a gbbopen-modules directory is present in the user's home directory (as defined by user-homedir-pathname), it is expected to consist of directories each containing an individual GBBopen application or library. Although these application directories can be placed directly in the gbbopen-modules directory, it is generally more convenient to use a symbolic link (or a “pseudo symbolic-link file” on Windows) to point to the actual application directory, where ever it is located. For example, an application can be provided to a number of users by creating a symbolic link to the actual application directory in each user's gbbopen-modules directory.

Each application directory contains:

We highly recommend following this packaging convention, which mirrors that of GBBopen itself. It is very easy to create, use, and share modules defined in this way by placing symbolic links to the module directories in your personal gbbopen-modules directory. Windows, unfortunately, is the exception to this as Windows does not provide symbolic links. GBBopen users running on Windows must create a text file with the file extension .sym (that contains the target directory path as its sole line) as a stand-in for the symbolic link.

Installation-wide shared-gbbopen-modules directory

There is also an <install-directory>/shared-gbbopen-modules directory. As with a user's gbbopen-modules directory (discussed above), the shared-gbbopen-modules directory is assumed to contain symbolic links (or “pseudo-symbolic-link” files on Windows) to individual GBBopen module directory trees.

This is the recommended mechanism for installation-wide managing and sharing of modules and applications.

GBBopen Hyperdoc

Convenient access to a local copy of the GBBopen Hyperdoc manual from Common Lisp is available by using the browse-hyperdoc function; part of the :os-interface module. The browser used by browse-hyperdoc is specified by the value of *preferred-browser*. A different value can be specified in either your Common Lisp initialization file or, preferably, in your personal gbbopen-init.lisp file. Changing the default setting in GBBopen's startup.lisp is not recommended.

Emacs access to the GBBopen Hyperdoc is provided by <install-directory>/browse-hyperdoc.el. This file defines the interactive Emacs command browse-hyperdoc and binds it to META-?. To enable this command, load <install-directory>/browse-hyperdoc.el from your .emacs initialization file.

If you already use the hyperspec.el utility (included with SLIME and ILISP distributions, but usable on its own), the Emacs browse-hyperdoc command will automatically defer to the Common Lisp HyperSpec when given a non-GBBopen entity. You can also download and install a local copy of the Common Lisp HyperSpec for use without a network connection. In this case, set the value of common-lisp-hyperspec-root in your .emacs initialization file to point to your local copy of the HyperSpec. For example:

  (setf common-lisp-hyperspec-root "file:/usr/local/CLHS/")

Highly recommended!


The GBBopen Project

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