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Single-float operators

These single-float declared-numeric operators are defined in the :gbbopen-tools module:

      Operator       Operation       Example
$ the single-float ($ x)
+$ + (+$ x y z)
-$ - (-$ x y z)
1+$ 1+ (1+$ x)
1-$ 1- (1-$ x)
*$ * (*$ x y z)
/$ / (/$ x y z)
=$ = (=$ x y z)
/=$ /= (/=$ x y z)
<$ < (<$ x y z)
<=$ <= (<=$ x y z)
>$ > (>$ x y z)
>=$ >= (>=$ x y z)
abs$ abs (abs$ x)
bounded-value$ bounded-value (bounded-value$ x y z)
ceiling$ ceiling (ceiling$ x divisor)
decf$ decf (decf$ x delta)
decf-$after decf-after (decf$-after x delta)
decf/delete$-acons decf/delete-acons (decf/delete$-acons
    x delta alist)
evenp$ evenp (evenp$ x)
fceiling$ fceiling (fceiling$ x divisor)
floor$ floor (floor$ x divisor)
ffloor$ ffloor (ffloor$ x divisor)
fround$ fround (fround$ x divisor)
ftruncate$ ftruncate (ftruncate$ x divisor)
incf$ incf (incf$ x delta)
incf$-after incf-after (incf$-after x delta)
max$ max (max$ x y z)
min$ min (min$ x y z)
minusp$ minusp (minusp$ x)
mod$ mod (mod$ x divisor)
oddp$ oddp (oddp$ x)
plusp$ plusp (plusp$ x)
pushnew/incf$-acons pushnew/incf-acons (pushnew/incf$-acons
    'x delta alist)
round$ round (round$ x divisor)
truncate$ truncate (truncate$ x divisor)
zerop$ zerop (zerop$ x)

The one-argument function coerce$ provides convenient single-float coercion:

  (setf x (coerce$ x))

The GBBopen Project

Short-float operatorsDeclared NumericsDouble-float operatorsSingle-float operatorsGoTo Top