Fixnum  operatorsDeclared NumericsSingle-float operatorsShort-float operatorsGoTo Top

Short-float operators

These short-float declared-numeric operators are defined in the :gbbopen-tools module:

      Operator       Operation       Example
$& the short-float ($& x)
+$& + (+$& x y z)
-$& - (-$& x y z)
1+$& 1+ (1+$& x)
1-$& 1- (1-$& x)
*$& * (*$& x y z)
/$& / (/$& x y z)
=$& = (=$& x y z)
/=$& /= (/=$& x y z)
<$& < (<$& x y z)
<=$& <= (<=$& x y z)
>$& > (>$& x y z)
>=$& >= (>=$& x y z)
abs$& abs (abs$& x)
bounded-value$& bounded-value (bounded-value$& x y z)
ceiling$& ceiling (ceiling$& x divisor)
decf$& decf (decf$& x delta)
decf-$&after decf-after (decf$&-after x delta)
decf/delete$&-acons decf/delete-acons (decf/delete$&-acons
    x delta alist)
evenp$& evenp (evenp$& x)
fceiling$& fceiling (fceiling$& x divisor)
floor$& floor (floor$& x divisor)
ffloor$& ffloor (ffloor$& x divisor)
fround$& fround (fround$& x divisor)
ftruncate$& ftruncate (ftruncate$& x divisor)
incf$& incf (incf$& x delta)
incf$&-after incf-after (incf$&-after x delta)
max$& max (max$& x y z)
min$& min (min$& x y z)
minusp$& minusp (minusp$& x)
mod$& mod (mod$& x divisor)
oddp$& oddp (oddp$& x)
plusp$& plusp (plusp$& x)
pushnew/incf$&-acons pushnew/incf-acons (pushnew/incf$&-acons
    'x delta alist)
round$& round (round$& x divisor)
truncate$& truncate (truncate$& x divisor)
zerop$& zerop (zerop$& x)

The one-argument function coerce$& provides convenient short-float coercion:

  (setf x (coerce$& x))

The GBBopen Project

Fixnum  operatorsDeclared NumericsSingle-float operatorsShort-float operatorsGoTo Top