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make-space-instance   path &rest initargs &key allowed-unit-classes dimensions storage make-parents class
=> space-instance

Create a new space instance.

Package   :gbbopen

Module   :gbbopen-core

Arguments and values

path     A space-instance path specifying the location in the blackboard repository where the new space instance is to be created
initargs     An initialization argument list
allowed-unit-classes     An extended unit-classes specification or nil (see below; default is t)
dimensions     A list of (dimension-name dimension-type-specifier) pairs (default is nil)
storage     A storage specification (see below; default is (t t unstructured) or nil if allowed-unit-classes is nil)
make-parents     A generalized boolean (default is nil)
class     The name of the space class for the created space instance (default is standard-space-instance)
space-instance     A space instance

The created space instance.

When a space instance is created, events are signaled in the following sequence:

  1. An nonlink-slot-updated-event or link-event is signaled for each slot in the newly created space instance. A link-event is also signaled for each inverse pointer from an existing space instance or unit instance to the newly created space instance.
  2. An instance-added-to-space-instance-event is signaled for each space instance on which the newly created space instance is added.
  3. A instance-created-event is signaled.

Use of an initialization argument that has not been declared as valid.

The supplied or generated instance name is identical to the instance name of an existing unit instance of class.

Detailed syntax

allowed-unit-classes ::= unit-classes-specifier | nil

dimension-type-specifier ::= :ordered | (:ordered [ordered-comparison-type]) |
:enumerated | (:enumerated [enumerated-comparison-type]) |
:boolean | (:boolean [boolean-comparison-type])
ordered-comparison-type ::= number | fixnum | short-float | single-float |
double-float | long-float |
enumerated-comparison-type ::= eq | eql | equal | equalp
boolean-comparison-type ::= t
unit-classes-specifier ::= t | single-unit-class-specifier | (single-unit-class-specifier+)
single-unit-class-specifier ::= atomic-unit-class | (atomic-unit-class subclassing-specifier)
atomic-unit-class ::= unit-class | unit-class-name

storage ::= (unit-class-specifier dimension-names storage-specification)*
dimension-names ::= dimension-name | (dimension-name+) | t
storage-specification ::= unstructured |
boolean |
uniform-buckets :layout dimension-buckets-specification+ |
hashed [:size integer]
dimension-buckets-specification ::= (start-value end-value bucket-width)

The default ordered-comparison-type, if unspecified, is number. The default enumerated-comparison-type, if unspecified, is eql. The default boolean-comparison-type is t.


dimension-name     A symbol specifying a dimension

Specifying a :space-instances initialization argument causes that value to be used instead of any :initial-space-instances specification associated with the space class. However, note that placing a space instance on other space instances is unrelated to the layout of blackboard repository hierarchy, which is specified by the :paths initialization argument. Placing a space instance on other space instances is no different from placing any other unit instance on a space instance.

See also

Create a top-level space instance, bb, that cannot store any unit instances:

  > (make-space-instance '(bb) 
       :allowed-unit-classes nil)
  #<standard-space-instance (bb)>
Now create a space instance for hyp unit instances, named hyps, as a child of bb, with uniform, 100-wide, bucket storage for indexing unit instances with dimension values between 0–10,000 in the x and y dimensions:
  > (make-space-instance '(bb hyps)
       :dimensions (dimensions-of 'hyp)
       :allowed-unit-classes '((hyp :plus-subclasses))
       :storage '(((hyp :plus-subclasses) (x y) 
                   uniform-buckets :layout ((0 10000 100)
                                            (0 10000 100)))))
  #<standard-space-instance (bb hyps)>

Here is an improved space instance for hyp unit instances named hyps, with both uniform-bucket storage for indexing in the x and y dimensions and hashed storage to retrieve match candidates via classification dimension values:

  > (make-space-instance '(bb hyps)
       :dimensions (dimensions-of 'hyp)
       :allowed-unit-classes '((hyp :plus-subclasses))
       :storage '(((hyp :plus-subclasses) (x y) 
                   uniform-buckets :layout ((0 10000 100)
                                            (0 10000 100)))
                  ((hyp :plus-subclasses) (classification) 
  #<standard-space-instance (bb hyps)>

The make-space-instance function is equivalent to using make-instance with the desired space class and with the initialization argument :instance-name containing the space-instance path. However, using make-space-instance provides a convenient shorthand and is preferable stylistically.

The GBBopen Project

find-space-instancesBlackboard Repositorymap-space-instancesmake-space-instanceGoTo Top