instance-name-ofGBBopen Coremake-duplicate-instance-changing-classmake-duplicate-instanceGoTo Top

make-duplicate-instance   instance unduplicated-slot-names &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys => new-instance, slots[Generic Function]

Create a duplicate instance of instance.

Method signatures

make-duplicate-instance  (instance standard-object) unduplicated-slot-names &rest initargs => new-instance, slots
make-duplicate-instance  (instance standard-space-instance) unduplicated-slot-names &rest initargs => new-instance, slots
make-duplicate-instance  (instance standard-unit-instance) unduplicated-slot-names &rest initargs => new-instance, slots
make-duplicate-instance  :around (instance standard-unit-instance) unduplicated-slot-names &rest initargs => new-instance, slots

Package   :gbbopen-tools (re-exported by :gbbopen)

Module   :gbbopen-tools (the unit-instance and space-instance methods are added by :gbbopen-core)

Arguments and values

instance     A standard-object instance
unduplicated-slot-names     A list of slot names
initargs     An initialization argument list
new-instance     A standard-object instance
slots     A proper list of slot objects

Two values: the (newly created) duplicate instance and a list of the slots that were duplicated or explicitly initialized.

When a unit instance is duplicated, events are signaled in the following sequence:

  1. An nonlink-slot-updated-event or link-event is signaled for each initialized slot in the duplicated unit instance. A link-event is also signaled for each inverse pointer from an existing unit instance to the (newly created) duplicate unit instance.
  2. An instance-added-to-space-instance-event is signaled for each space instance on which the duplicate unit instance is added.
  3. A instance-created-event is signaled.

Use of an initialization argument that has not been declared as valid.

Slot initialization during instance duplication behaves as follows, regardless of whether the slots are local or shared:

When duplicating a unit instance, specifying a :instance-name initialization argument causes that value to be used as the instance name of the newly created unit instance instead of the instance-name counter value associated with the unit class (if the :use-global-instance-name-counter class option is nil or was not specified for the unit class) or the global instance-name counter value (if the :use-global-instance-name-counter class option is true for the unit class).

A :space-instances initialization argument must be provided when duplicating a space instance.

See also

Create some simple duplicate instances:

  > (define-class foo () 
       ((a :initform 1)
        (b :initform 2)))
  #<standard-class foo>
  > (defparameter *x* (make-instance 'foo :a 11 :b 12))
  > :ds *x*
  #<foo #x110fe6ea> is an instance of #<standard-class foo>:
   The following slots have :instance allocation:
    a   11
    b   12
  > :ds (make-duplicate-instance *x* nil :a -1)
  #<foo #x110ff93a> is an instance of #<standard-class foo>:
   The following slots have :instance allocation:
    a   -1
    b   12
  > :ds (make-duplicate-instance *x* '(b) :a -1)
  #<foo #x11104542> is an instance of #<standard-class foo>:
   The following slots have :instance allocation:
    a   -1
    b   2
  > :ds (make-duplicate-instance *x* '(b))
  #<foo #x11108c82> is an instance of #<standard-class foo>:
   The following slots have :instance allocation:
    a   11
    b   2
  > (make-duplicate-instance *x* nil)
  #<foo @ #x1110a0e2>
  (#<standard-effective-slot-definition b>
   #<standard-effective-slot-definition a>)

Create a duplicate of the hyp 419 unit instance:

  > (make-duplicate-instance (find-instance-by-name 19 'hyp) nil)
  #<hyp 681 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>

The GBBopen Project

instance-name-ofGBBopen Coremake-duplicate-instance-changing-classmake-duplicate-instanceGoTo Top