*year-first*Date and Timebrief-date-and-timebrief-dateGoTo Top

brief-date   &optional universal-time &key time-zone month-precedes-date year-first include-year destination => result[Function]

Generate a brief date description.

Package   :gbbopen-tools (home package is :module-manager)

Module   :module-manager

Arguments and values

universal-time     A Universal Time (default is nil, which is equivalent to the value returned by (get-universal-time))
time-zone     A time zone (default is nil, which is equivalent to the current time zone adjusted for daylight saving time)
month-precedes-date     A generalized boolean (default is *month-precedes-date*)
year-first     A generalized boolean (default is *year-first*)
include-year     A generalized boolean (default is t)
destination     Either nil, t, a stream, or a string with a fill pointer (default is nil)
result     A string or nil

If destination is non-nil, then nil; otherwise, a string.

A 12-character description is generated (6 characters, if include-year is non-nil).

If universal-time is not supplied or is nil, the current time (as returned by get-universal-time is used.

If time-zone is not supplied or is nil, it defaults to the current time zone adjusted for daylight saving time. If time-zone is supplied, it is assumed to include any adjustment for daylight saving time.

If month-precedes-date is true, the month is presented in front of the date; otherwise the date precedes the month.

If year-first is supplied and is non-nil, the year is presented in front of the month and date; otherwise the year follows the month and date.

If include-year is supplied and is non-nil, the year is included in the presented time.

See also

Display the current date (with and without the year):

  > (brief-date)
  "Feb 16, 2008"
  > (brief-date (get-universal-time) :include-year nil)
  "Feb 16"
Display the date 10 days ago:
  > (brief-date (- (get-universal-time) (* 60 60 24 10)))
  "Feb 6, 2008"

This function is loaded with the :module-manager module in order to to make it available as early as possible.

The GBBopen Project

*year-first*Date and Timebrief-date-and-timebrief-dateGoTo Top