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brief-date-and-time   &optional universal-time &key time-zone month-precedes-date year-first include-seconds destination => result[Function]

Generate a brief date-and-time description.

Package   :gbbopen-tools (home package is :module-manager)

Module   :module-manager

Arguments and values

universal-time     A Universal Time (default is nil, which is equivalent to the value returned by (get-universal-time))
time-zone     A time zone (default is nil, which is equivalent to the current time zone adjusted for daylight saving time)
month-precedes-date     A generalized boolean (default is *month-precedes-date*)
year-first     A generalized boolean (default is *year-first*)
include-seconds     A generalized boolean (default is nil)
destination     Either nil, t, a stream, or a string with a fill pointer (default is nil)
result     A string or nil

If destination is non-nil, then nil; otherwise, a string.

A 12-character description (15 characters, if include-seconds is non-nil) is generated. If the universal-time value is within 120 days of the current time, the result string includes the time of day but not the year; otherwise, the year is included but not the time of day.

If universal-time is not supplied or is nil, the current time (as returned by get-universal-time is used.

If time-zone is not supplied or is nil, it defaults to the current time zone adjusted for daylight saving time. If time-zone is supplied, it is assumed to include any adjustment for daylight saving time.

If month-precedes-date is true, the month is presented in front of the date; otherwise the date precedes the month.

If year-first is supplied and is non-nil, the year is presented in front of the month and date; otherwise the year follows the month and date.

If include-seconds is supplied and is non-nil, seconds are included in the presented time.

See also

Display the current date and time:

  > (brief-date-and-time)
  "Feb 16 13:11"
Display the current date and time (with seconds):
  > (brief-date-and-time nil :include-seconds 't)
  "Feb 16 13:11:38"
Display the current date and time as GMT:
  > (brief-date-and-time nil :time-zone 0)
  "Feb 16 18:11"
The date and time 10 days ago:
  > (brief-date-and-time (- (get-universal-time) (* 60 60 24 10)))
  "Feb  6 13:11"
The date and time 125 days ago:
  > (brief-date-and-time (- (get-universal-time) (* 60 60 24 125)))
  "Oct 12, 2004"
The date and time 125 days ago (with seconds, but ignored because no time of day is included for dates that are not within 120 days of the given time):
  > (brief-date-and-time (- (get-universal-time) (* 60 60 24 125)) :include-seconds 't)
  "Oct 12, 2004   "

This function is loaded with the :module-manager module in order to to make it available as early as possible.

The GBBopen Project

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