;;;; -*- Mode:Common-Lisp; Package:Common-Lisp-User; Syntax:common-lisp -*- ;;;; *-* File: /usr/local/gbbopen/corman-patches.lisp *-* ;;;; *-* Edited-By: cork *-* ;;;; *-* Last-Edit: Wed Apr 7 09:52:20 2010 *-* ;;;; *-* Machine: cyclone.cs.umass.edu *-* ;;;; ************************************************************************** ;;;; ************************************************************************** ;;;; * ;;;; * Required Patches for Corman Common Lisp ;;;; * ;;;; ************************************************************************** ;;;; ************************************************************************** ;;; ;;; Written by: Dan Corkill ;;; ;;; Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Dan Corkill ;;; Part of the GBBopen Project. ;;; Licensed under Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE for license information). ;;; ;;; This file is used as source only (Corman Common Lisp compiles on load) ;;; ;;; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ;;; ;;; 09-26-05 File Created. (Corkill) ;;; 09-18-06 Updated for Corman Common Lisp 3.0. (Corkill) ;;; ;;; * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (in-package :common-lisp) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; Redefine machine-type to return a useful value: (defun machine-type () "x86") ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; From Sys\structures.lisp ;;; ;;; Support :conc-name string designators in defstruct (see patch below): (defmacro defstruct (name-and-options &rest doc-and-slots) (let (name options doc-string slot-descriptors (slot-count 0) struct-template-info constructor-name (boa-constructor-info nil) (conc-name nil) copier-name predicate-name accessor-name (print-function nil) (expressions nil) (struct-template-expressions nil) (struct-type nil) (named nil) (initial-offset 0) (base nil) (base-list nil) (included-options nil) struct-template (struct-template-sym (gensym)) (num-included-slots 0)) (if (symbolp name-and-options) (setq name name-and-options) (progn (if (or (not (consp name-and-options)) (not (symbolp (car name-and-options)))) (error "Invalid syntax for defstruct name: ~A" name-and-options)) (setq name (car name-and-options)) (setq options (cdr name-and-options)))) ;;(format t "Parsing structure: ~A~%" name) (setq conc-name (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name) "-")) (dolist (opt options) ;;(format t "option: ~A~%" opt) (cond ((keywordp opt)(if (eq opt ':named) (setf named t))) ((and (listp opt) (keywordp (car opt))) (case (car opt) (:conc-name (if (cdr opt) (setq conc-name (if (cadr opt) ;; Patched DDC -- Allow conc-name string designators: #-original-version (if (symbolp (cadr opt)) (symbol-name (cadr opt)) (cadr opt)) #+original-version (symbol-name (cadr opt)) "")) (setq conc-name ""))) (:constructor (if (cdr opt) (if (cddr opt) (push (list (cadr opt) (caddr opt)) boa-constructor-info) (setq constructor-name (cadr opt))))) (:copier (if (cdr opt) (setq copier-name (cadr opt)))) (:predicate (if (cdr opt) (setq predicate-name (cadr opt)))) (:include (setf base (cadr opt) included-options (cddr opt))) (:print-function (if (cdr opt) (setq print-function (cadr opt)))) (:type (setf struct-type (cadr opt))) (:initial-offset (setf initial-offset (cadr opt))) (otherwise (error "Unknown defstruct option: ~A~%" (car opt))))) (t (error "Invalid defstruct option: ~A~%" opt)))) (if (and (null struct-type) (/= initial-offset 0)) (error "If :INITIAL-OFFSET is specified in DEFSTRUCT, then :TYPE must also be specified.")) (if (stringp (car doc-and-slots)) (progn (setq doc-string (car doc-and-slots)) (setq slot-descriptors (cdr doc-and-slots))) (setq slot-descriptors doc-and-slots)) ;; add the doc string with structure attribute (if doc-string (push `(setf (documentation ',name 'structure) ,doc-string) expressions)) ;; if :include specified, add those slots now (if base (let* ((included-struct-template (get base ':struct-template))) (unless included-struct-template (error "Cannot :INCLUDE struct type ~S. No slot information was found." base)) (setf base-list (cons base (struct-template-base included-struct-template))) (setf num-included-slots (struct-template-num-slots included-struct-template)) (dotimes (i num-included-slots) (let* ((name (struct-template-slot-name included-struct-template i)) (default (struct-template-slot-default included-struct-template i)) (type (struct-template-slot-type included-struct-template i)) (ro-p (struct-template-slot-ro-p included-struct-template i)) (inline-p (struct-template-slot-inline-p included-struct-template i)) (override (member name included-options :key #'(lambda (obj) (if (symbolp obj) obj (car obj)))))) (if override (setf default (if (and (consp (car override))(consp (cdar override))) (cadar override)))) (push name struct-template-info) (push default struct-template-info) (push type struct-template-info) (push ro-p struct-template-info) (push inline-p struct-template-info) (incf slot-count))))) ;; process slot options (dolist (opt slot-descriptors) ;;(format t "slot: ~A~%" opt) (incf slot-count) (cond ((symbolp opt) (push opt struct-template-info) (push nil struct-template-info) (push t struct-template-info) (push nil struct-template-info) (push nil struct-template-info) ;;(format t "parsed-slot: ~A ~A ~A ~A ~A~%" ;;opt nil t nil nil) ) ((consp opt) (let ((sym (car opt)) (slot-initializer (cadr opt)) (options (cddr opt)) (type t) (read-only nil) (inline nil)) (if (not (symbolp sym)) (error "Invalid slot descriptor: ~A~%" sym)) (if (or (not (constantp slot-initializer)) (functionp slot-initializer)) (setq slot-initializer (compile-form slot-initializer))) (do ((o options (cddr o))) ((null o) nil) (case (car o) (:type (setf type (cadr o))) (:read-only (setf read-only (cadr o))) (:inline (setf inline (cadr o))) (otherwise (error "Unknown slot option: ~A" (car o))))) ;;(format t "parsed-slot: ~A ~A ~A ~A ~A~%" ;;sym slot-initializer type read-only inline) (push sym struct-template-info) (push slot-initializer struct-template-info) (push type struct-template-info) (push read-only struct-template-info) (push inline struct-template-info))) (t (error "Invalid slot option: ~A~%" opt)))) (setq struct-template (apply #'define-struct-template name (create-named-class name (mapcar 'find-class base-list)) struct-type base-list initial-offset slot-count (reverse struct-template-info))) ;; install template (push `(setf (get ',name :struct-template) ,struct-template-sym) struct-template-expressions) ;; install print function (when print-function (if (and (consp print-function) (eq (car print-function) 'lambda)) (setq print-function `(function ,print-function)) (setq print-function `(quote ,print-function))) (push `(setf (get ',name :struct-print) ,print-function) expressions)) ;; install constructor function (setq constructor-name (if constructor-name (intern (symbol-name constructor-name)) (if boa-constructor-info (make-symbol (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name name))) ;; invisible (intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name name)))))) (push `(create-keyword-constructor ,constructor-name ,struct-template ,struct-template-sym ,name ,struct-type ,named) struct-template-expressions) (push `(setf (get ',name ':struct-constructor) ',constructor-name) expressions) ;; install BOA constructor (dolist (boa-info boa-constructor-info) (push `(create-boa-constructor ,(car boa-info) ,(cadr boa-info) ,struct-template ,struct-template-sym ,name ,struct-type ,named) struct-template-expressions)) ;; install copier function (setq copier-name (if copier-name (intern (symbol-name copier-name)) (intern (concatenate 'string "COPY-" (symbol-name name))))) (push `(defun ,copier-name (arg) (clone-struct arg)) expressions) ;; install predicate function (setq predicate-name (if predicate-name (intern (symbol-name predicate-name)) (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name) "-P")))) (push (cond ((and named struct-type) `(defun ,predicate-name (arg) (and (typep arg ',struct-type) (eq (elt arg 0) ',name)))) (struct-type `(fmakunbound ',predicate-name)) ;; don't define a predicate (t `(defun ,predicate-name (arg) (struct-type-p arg ',name)))) expressions) ;; install type specifier (push `(cl::declare-type-specifier ,name (x specifier) (declare (ignore specifier)) (struct-type-p x ',name)) expressions) ;; install accessor functions (do* ((num-slots (struct-template-num-slots struct-template)) (i 0 (+ i 1))) ;; skip over any included slots--they already have accessors ((= i num-slots)) (setq accessor-name (intern (concatenate 'string conc-name (symbol-name (struct-template-slot-name struct-template i))))) (if (struct-template-slot-inline-p struct-template i) (push `(proclaim '(inline ,accessor-name)) expressions)) (push (build-accessor name struct-type named initial-offset accessor-name i (< i num-included-slots)) expressions) (when (not (struct-template-slot-ro-p struct-template i)) (if (struct-template-slot-inline-p struct-template i) (push `(proclaim '(inline ,(setf-function-symbol (list 'setf accessor-name)))) expressions)) (push (build-mutator name struct-type named initial-offset accessor-name i (struct-template-slot-type struct-template i) (< i num-included-slots)) expressions))) (push `',name expressions) `(progn (let* ((,struct-template-sym (apply 'define-struct-template ',name (create-named-class ',name (list ,.(mapcar #'(lambda (class-name) `(find-class ',class-name)) base-list))) ',struct-type ',base-list ,initial-offset ,slot-count ',(reverse struct-template-info)))) ,.(reverse struct-template-expressions)) ,@(nreverse expressions)))) ;;; =========================================================================== ;;; Add :up & :back support to directory paths (in-package :win32) (defun hack-back/up (dir-list) (let ((result nil)) (dolist (dir-item dir-list) (case dir-item ;; treat :back & :up the same on Windows ((:up :back) (unless result (error "Cannot go ~s any further" dir-item)) (pop result)) (otherwise (push dir-item result)))) (nreverse result))) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; From Sys\directory.lisp (defun subdirectory-pathname (directory-pathname subdir-name &key (name nil) (type nil) (version nil)) (let ((p1 (parse-namestring subdir-name))) (truename (make-pathname :host (pathname-host directory-pathname) :device (pathname-device directory-pathname) :directory (append (hack-back/up ; patched DDC (pathname-directory directory-pathname)) (list (if (pathname-type p1) (format nil "~A.~A" (pathname-name p1) (pathname-type p1)) (pathname-name p1)))) :name name :type type :version version )))) (defun file-pathname (directory-pathname file-name &key (version nil)) (let ((p1 (parse-namestring file-name))) (truename (make-pathname :host (pathname-host directory-pathname) :device (pathname-device directory-pathname) :directory (hack-back/up ; patched DDC (pathname-directory directory-pathname)) :name (pathname-name p1) :type (pathname-type p1) :version version )))) ;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;; From Sys\filenames.lisp (in-package :pathnames) (defun convert-pathname-to-namestring (pathname) (let ((device (pathname-internal-device pathname)) (directory (win32::hack-back/up ; patched DDC (pathname-internal-directory pathname))) (type (pathname-internal-type pathname)) (name (pathname-internal-name pathname))) (format nil "~{~A:~}~{~A~}~{~A\\~}~{~A~}~{.~A~}" (if device (list device) nil) (if (eq (car directory) :absolute) '(#\\) nil) (cdr directory) (if name (list name) nil) (if type (list type) nil)))) (defun convert-pathname-to-directory-namestring (pathname) (let ((device (pathname-internal-device pathname)) (directory (win32::hack-back/up ; patched DDC (pathname-internal-directory pathname)))) (format nil "~{~A:~}~{~A~}~{~A\\~}" (if device (list device) nil) (if (eq (car directory) :absolute) '(#\\) nil) (cdr directory)))) ;;; 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