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Many people have contributed comments, suggestions, design ideas, questions (and answers), bug reports, and code to GBBopen, and we appreciate their time and effort. Acknowledgment of some of their contributions here does not necessarily imply that any individual or the organizations with which they are affiliated endorse GBBopen or this documentation. Disclaimers aside, GBBopen users thank each of you!

Douglas Crosher ported GBBopen to Scieneer CL. Gary King worked on the initial Digitool MCL and OpenMCL porting efforts. Christian Lynbech performed the initial CMUCL port. Sam Steingold initiated the CLISP port. Vladimir Tzankov provided Portable Threads support for CLISP/MT.

Questioners, bug reporters, capability demanders, contributors, and great idea suggesters include: Pascal Costanza, Matthew Danish, Michael Hannemann, Susan Lander, Attila Lendvai, Wendall Marvel, Clayton Morrison, Beryl Nelson, Eric O'Connor, Zack Rubinstein, Bill St. Clair, Earl Wagner, Paul Werkowski, and Huzaifa Zafar.


Franz Inc. and LispWorks Ltd. provided (and continue to provide) Common Lisp licenses and technical support to the Project.

Some early design work for GBBopen was supported by DARPA's Information Exploitation Office (IXO) under contract MDA-972-02-C-0028 to Information Extraction & Transport, Inc.

Other efforts using GBBopen that have indirectly led to contributed GBBopen improvements and enhancements include: research supported by the “Fusion Based Knowledge for the Future Force” ATO program and the “Advanced REsearch Solutions - Fused Intelligence with Speed and Trust” program at the U.S. Army RDECOM CERDEC Intelligence and Information Warfare Directorate, Fort Monmouth, NJ, under contract W15P7T-05-C-P621; research on “Command & Control and Data Fusion Architectures” supported by DND Canada under contract W7701-4-2118; work on “Knowledgable Dynamic-Process Modeling and Execution” supported by Boeing and Infosys Technologies Limited; research on “A Multi-Agent Approach for Heterogeneous Persistent Surveillance” supported by Raytheon Intelligence & Information Systems; work on “Massive-Scale Representation and Reasoning” supported by GHX; and research supported by the AFRL “Advanced Computing Architecture” program, under contract FA8750-05-1-0039.

Legacy Contributors

GBBopen builds upon concepts and ideas that were explored and refined in the UMass Generic Blackboard system and the commercial GBB product. The following people made significant contributions to those systems:

      UMass Generic               GBB Product
Blackboard System Tony Carrico
Dan Corkill Dan Corkill
Kevin Gallagher Raymond de Lacaze
Philip Johnson Kevin Gallagher
Kelly Murray Susan Lander
Zack Rubinstein
Suzanne Tromara

The UMass Generic Blackboard Project received research support from The National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Office of Naval Research, and Texas Instruments, Inc.

The random-walk example used in this tutorial is adapted from Getting Started with GBB, written by Dan Corkill and Suzanne Tromara.

The GBBopen Project

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