with-full-optimizationGBBopen Toolswith-gensymswith-generate-accessors-formatGoTo Top

with-generate-accessors-format   (format [prefix/suffix-name]) form* => result*[Macro]

Change the default for accessor names generated by define-class, define-event-class, define-space-class, and define-unit-class definitions appearing in forms.

Package   :gbbopen-tools

Module   :gbbopen-tools

Arguments and values

format     Either the keyword :prefix or :suffix
prefix/suffix-name     One of the following (evaluated):

  • A string
  • A symbol
  • A function designator specifying a function object accepting two arguments, class-name and slot-name, that returns the complete string to be used for the accessor name
forms     An implicit progn of forms
results     The values returned by evaluating the last form

The values returned by evaluating the last form.

If a function object prefix/suffix-name is specified, it is called to produce the complete accessor-name string, no matter which format value is provided. Otherwise, if :prefix is specified as the format value, a string or symbol prefix/suffix-name is concatenated in front of the slot name to generate the slot-accessor name. If :suffix is specified as the format value, a string or symbol prefix/suffix-name is concatenated after the slot name.

The default prefix/suffix-name for :prefix is a function that generates historical GBB-style class-name.slot-name slot accessors; the default for :suffix is '#:-of.

See also

Define three classes, point, circle, and rectangle, generating GBB-style class-name.slot-name slot accessors:

  > (with-generate-accessors-format (:prefix)
      (define-class point ()
        (x y))
      (define-class circle (point)
      (define-class rectangle (point)
        (length width)))
  #<standard-class rectangle>
Re-define the classes, generating slot-name”-only slot accessors:
  > (with-generate-accessors-format (:suffix "")
      (define-class point ()
        (x y))
      (define-class circle (point)
      (define-class rectangle (point)
        (length width)))
  #<standard-class rectangle>
Re-define the classes, generating “slot-name-of-class-name” slot accessors (note that the strange-name-string name-generation function must be available at compile time):
  > (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
      (defun strange-name-string (class-name slot-name)
        (concatenate 'simple-string
          (symbol-name class-name) "-" 
          (symbol-name '#:of) "-" 
          (symbol-name slot-name))))
  > (with-generate-accessors-format (:prefix (symbol-function 'strange-name-string))
      (define-class point ()
        (x y))
      (define-class circle (point)
      (define-class rectangle (point)
        (length width)))
  #<standard-class rectangle>

The GBBopen Project

with-full-optimizationGBBopen Toolswith-gensymswith-generate-accessors-formatGoTo Top