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with-error-handling   [form | (form [(:conditions type)] handler-form*) error-form* => result*[Macro]

Evaluate each handler-form and each error-form if an error occurs while evaluating form.

Package   :gbbopen-tools

Module   :gbbopen-tools

Arguments and values

form     A form
type     A type specifier (default is (and error (not interrupt-signal)) on Allegro CL; otherwise error)
handler-forms     Zero or more forms
error-forms     Zero or more forms
results     The values returned by evaluating form, the values returned by evaluating the last handler-form form or the last error-form form, or no values

The values returned by evaluating form unless an error occurs during that evaluation in which case:

If an error occurs while evaluating form, each handler-form is evaluated in the dynamic context of the error, then the dynamic context is unwound to that in which form was evaluated and each error-form is evaluated.

A lexical function, error-message, is available for use within each handler-form and error-form. This lexical function accepts no arguments and returns a string describing the error that occurred during the evaluation of form.

Another lexical function, error-condition, is also available for use within each handler-form and nobrerror-form. This lexical function accepts no arguments and returns the condition object that signaled the error.

The conditions that are handled can be changed by using the (:conditions type) option. Unlike other Common Lisp implementations, Allegro CL includes interrupt signals (typically generated by the user typing control-C characters in the REPL) as error conditions. Interrupt signals are excluded by default on Allegro CL.

See also


  > (with-error-handling (values 1 2 3) ':error-occurred)
  > (with-error-handling (values 1 2 (error "Bad")) ':error-occurred)
  > (with-error-handling (values 1 2 (/ 10 0)) (printv (error-message)) nil)
  ;;  (error-message) => "Attempt to divide 10 by zero."
  > (defparameter *x* 0)
  > (with-error-handling 
        ((let ((*x* 1))
           (error "A silly error has occurred."))
         (printv "Handler form" (error-message) *x*)
         (values :c :b :a))
      (printv "Error form" (error-message) *x*)
      (values :a :b :c))
  ;; Handler form
  ;;  (error-message) => "A silly error has occurred."
  ;;  *x* => 1
  ;; Error form
  ;;  (error-message) => "A silly error has occurred."
  ;;  *x* => 0
  > (with-error-handling 
        ((let ((*x* 1))
           (error "A silly error has occurred."))
         (printv "Handler form" (error-message) *x*)
         (values :c :b :a)))          ; No error forms
  ;; Handler form
  ;;  (error-message) => "A silly error has occurred."
  ;;  *x* => 1
  > (with-error-handling 
        ;; No handler-forms:
        ((let ((*x* 1))
           (error "A silly error has occurred.")))
      (printv "Error form" (error-message) *x*)
      (values :a :b :c))
  ;; Error form
  ;;  (error-message) => "A silly error has occurred."
  ;;  *x* => 0
  > (with-error-handling (warn "Not too bad") ':error-occurred)
  ;; Warning: Not too bad
  > (with-error-handling ((warn "Not too bad")
                          (:conditions (or (and error
                                                (not interrupt-signal))

The GBBopen Project

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