stream-instanceStreamingstream-instances-of-classstream-instancesGoTo Top

stream-instances   instances streamer => instances[Function]

Write a list of unit instances (and space instances) to a streamer.

Package   :gbbopen

Module   :streaming

Arguments and values

instances     A list of unit instances (and space instances)
streamer     A streamer

The instances.

See also

Stream the results of a blackboard retrieval to streamer *streamer*:

  > (stream-instances (find-instances 'hyp (find-space-instance-by-path '(bb hyps)) 
                       '(and (= x 1835) (> belief .8))) 
  (#<hyp 319 (1835 8419) 0.91 [4..12]>
   #<hyp 331 (1835 8419) 0.88 [15..30]>
   #<hyp 335 (1835 8419) 0.92 [15..35]>
   #<hyp 183 (1835 4791) 0.82 [0..35]>
   #<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 419 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>)

The GBBopen Project

stream-instanceStreamingstream-instances-of-classstream-instancesGoTo Top