*gbbopen-modules-directory-verbose*Starting Up*sym-file-verbose**preferred-browser*GoTo Top

*preferred-browser*   [Variable]

Specify the preferred browser program.

Package   :common-lisp-user

Module   Defined in startup.lisp

Value type   A string

Initial value   (see the first example below)

To change the preferred browser, set the value of *preferred-browser* in either your Common Lisp initialization file or your personal gbbopen-init.lisp file. Because startup.lisp is under Subversion source control, changing startup.lisp directly is not recommended.

See also

Here is the setting that is made in startup.lisp:

  (defvar *preferred-browser* 
      ;; On Mac OSX we defer to the OS default browser:
      #+(or macosx darwin)
      ;; LispWorks (non-Windows) and SBCL do not search PATH for programs, so
      ;; the path must be explicitly included in the preferred browser setting:
      #+(or (and lispworks (not win32)) sbcl) "/usr/bin/firefox"
      #-(or macosx darwin (and lispworks (not win32)) sbcl) "firefox")

Specify a different browser (in a personal gbbopen-init.lisp file) on Linux machines:

  (in-package :common-lisp-user)

  (setf *preferred-browser* 
    ;; Lispworks (non-Windows) and SBCL do not search PATH for programs, so
    ;; the path must be explicitly included in the preferred browser setting:
     #+(or lispworks sbcl) "/usr/bin/opera"
     #-(or lispworks sbcl) "opera")

LispWorks (non-Windows platforms) and SBCL do not perform a PATH search for programs, so the browser-program path must be explicitly included in the preferred browser setting.

The GBBopen Project

*gbbopen-modules-directory-verbose*Starting Up*sym-file-verbose**preferred-browser*GoTo Top