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map-space-instances   function space-instance-regexp[Function]

Apply a function once to each space instance that matches a path-expression pattern.

Package   :gbbopen

Module   :gbbopen-core

Arguments and values

function     A function designator specifying a function object of one argument
space-instance-regexp     A space-instance path regular expression specifying the space instances to be mapped over

The space-instance-regexp argument is either the symbol t (indicating all space instances) or a list representing a regular expression where the following reserved symbols are interpreted as follows:

= matches one occurrence in a space-instance path
? matches zero or one occurrence in a space-instance path
+ matches one or more occurrences in a space-instance path
* matches zero or more occurrences in a space-instance path
   ^    move to parent

A space-instance-regexp value consisting of a list of space instances mapped over as supplied.

See also

Remove all hyp unit instances from space instances that are rooted at (bb):

    #'(lambda (space-instance)
          #'(lambda (unit-instance)
              (remove-instance-from-space-instance unit-instance space-instance))
    '(bb +))

The GBBopen Project

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