*save/send-references-only*Saving and Sendingload-blackboard-repositoryinitialize-saved/sent-instanceGoTo Top

initialize-saved/sent-instance   instance slots slot-values missing-slot-names => instance[Generic Function]

Initializes the slots of instance when reading saved (or sent) values.

Method signatures

initialize-saved/sent-instance  (instance standard-object) slots slot-values missing-slot-names => instance
initialize-saved/sent-instance  (instance standard-unit-instance) slots slot-values missing-slot-names => instance
initialize-saved/sent-instance  (instance standard-space-instance) slots slot-values missing-slot-names => instance

Package   :gbbopen-tools

Module   :gbbopen-tools (the unit-instance and space-instance methods are added by :gbbopen-core)

Arguments and values

instance     A standard-object instance
slots     A list of effective-slot-definition objects
slot-values     A list of values (corresponding to the slots in slots)
missing-slot-names     A list of symbols naming slots and slot values that were saved/sent, but which are no longer present in the class definition of instance.

The instance.

Initialize-saved/sent-instance is called when loading a blackboard repository or journal or when reading a network-streamer connection; it should not be called directly.

See also

Restore the binary value of slot song in unit instances of bird that was saved/sent as a Base64 portable string (see the companion encoding example):

  (defmethod initialize-saved/sent-instance :after ((bird bird)
                                                    slots slot-values 
    (declare (ignore slots slot-values missing-slot-names))
    (setf (song-of bird) (base64-decode (song-of bird))))
Transfer the slot value that was saved/sent as the slot named old-slot to the slot named new-slot in the current class definition of hyp:
  (defmethod initialize-saved/sent-instance :after ((hyp hyp)
                                                    slots slot-values 
    (declare (ignore missing-slot-names))
    (let ((position (position 'old-slot slots 
                              :key #'slot-definition-name
                              :test #'eq)))
       (setf (new-slot-of hyp) (nth position slot-values))))

The GBBopen Project

*save/send-references-only*Saving and Sendingload-blackboard-repositoryinitialize-saved/sent-instanceGoTo Top