gbbopen-implementation-versionGBBopen Coreinitial-class-instance-numberincomplete-instance-pGoTo Top

incomplete-instance-p   unit-instance => boolean[Function]

Determine if a unit instance is incomplete.

Package   :gbbopen

Module   :gbbopen-core

Arguments and values

unit-instance     A unit instance
boolean     A generalized boolean

True if the unit instance is incomplete; nil otherwise.

See also

Define an event function that recomputes the area of a complete unit instance when the value of its height or width slot changes:

  (defun update-area-evfn (event-name 
                             &key instance
    (declare (ignore event-name))
    ;; Do not compute the area of an incomplete instance:
    (unless (incomplete-instance instance)
      (setf (area-of instance) 
            (* (width-of instance) (height-of instance)))))

  (add-event-function 'update-area-evfn 
                      :slot-names '(width height))

The GBBopen Project

gbbopen-implementation-versionGBBopen Coreinitial-class-instance-numberincomplete-instance-pGoTo Top