find-instance-by-nameInstance Retrievalfind-instances-of-classfind-instancesGoTo Top

find-instances   unit-classes-specifier space-instances pattern
&key filter-before filter-after use-marking verbose => unit-instances

Retrieve unit instances from space instances based on a retrieval pattern.

Package   :gbbopen

Module   :gbbopen-core

Arguments and values

unit-classes-specifier     An extended unit-classes specification (see below)
space-instances     A space instance, a list of space instances, a space-instance path regular expression, or t (indicating all space instances)
pattern     A retrieval pattern (see below)
filter-before     A single-argument predicate to be applied before pattern-matching tests occur
filter-after     A single-argument predicate to be applied after pattern-matching tests occur
use-marking     A generalized boolean (default is *use-marking*)
verbose     A generalized boolean (default is *find-verbose*)
unit-instances     A proper list of unit instances

A newly consed list of unit instances specified by unit-class-specifier that reside on space-instances and satisfy the specified pattern and any predicate filters.

Detailed syntax

unit-classes-specifier ::= t | single-unit-class-specifier | (single-unit-class-specifier+)

single-unit-class-specifier ::= atomic-unit-class | (atomic-unit-class subclassing-specifier)
atomic-unit-class ::= unit-class | unit-class-name
subclassing-specifier ::= :plus-subclasses | :no-subclasses | + | =

The shorthand + subclasses specifier is equivalent to :plus-subclasses and = to :no-subclasses.

pattern ::= subpattern | t | :all
subpattern ::= pattern-element |
(not subpattern) |
(and subpattern*) |
(or subpattern*)
pattern-element ::= (pattern-op dimension-names pattern-values option*) |
(boolean-dimension-unary-pattern-op dimension-names option*)
pattern-op ::= ordered-dimension-pattern-op |
enumerated-dimension-pattern-op |
ordered-dimension-pattern-op ::= ordered-dimension-any-numeric-value-pattern-op |
ordered-dimension-explicit-type-pattern-op ::= ordered-dimension-fixnum-pattern-op |
ordered-dimension-short-float-pattern-op |
ordered-dimension-single-float-pattern-op |
ordered-dimension-double-float-pattern-op |
ordered-dimension-long-float-pattern-op |
ordered-dimension-any-numeric-value-pattern-op ::= < | <= | >= | > | = | /= |
within | covers | overlaps |
abuts | starts | ends
ordered-dimension-fixnum-pattern-op ::= <& | <=& | >=& | >& | =& | /=& |
within& | covers& | overlaps& |
abuts& | starts& | ends&
ordered-dimension-short-float-pattern-op ::= <$& | <=$& | >=$& | >$& | =$& | /=$& |
within$& | covers$& | overlaps$& |
abuts$& | starts$& | ends$&
ordered-dimension-single-float-pattern-op ::= <$ | <=$ | >=$ | >$ | =$ | /=$ |
within$ | covers$ | overlaps$ |
abuts$ | starts$ | ends$
ordered-dimension-double-float-pattern-op ::= <$$ | <=$$ | >=$$ | >$$ | =$$ | /=$$ |
within$$ | covers$$ | overlaps$$ |
abuts$$ | starts$$ | ends$$
ordered-dimension-long-float-pattern-op ::= <$$$ | <=$$$ | >=$$$ | >$$$ | =$$$ | /=$$$ |
within$$$ | covers$$$ | overlaps$$$ |
abuts$$$ | starts$$$ | ends$$$
ordered-dimension-pseudo-probability-pattern-op ::= <% | <=% | >=% | >% | =% | /=% |
within% | covers% | overlaps% |
abuts% | starts% | ends%
enumerated-dimension-pattern-op ::= is | enumerated-dimension-explicit-test-pattern-op
enumerated-dimension-explicit-test-pattern-op ::= is-eq | is-eql | is-equal | is-equalp
boolean-dimension-binary-pattern-op ::= eqv
boolean-dimension-unary-pattern-op ::= true | false
dimension-names ::= dimension-name | (dimension-name+)
pattern-values ::= pattern-value |
(pattern-value+) |
(pattern-value+ . pattern-value) |
pattern-value ::= point | interval | element | set
interval ::= (start end) | (start . end) | #(start end)


point A number, infinity, or -infinity
start A number or -infinity
end A number or infinity
element    An object

The pattern t matches all unit instances whose dimension values overlap the dimensional extent of at least one space instance in space-instances. The pattern :all matches every unit instance on a space instance in space-instances, regardless of dimensional overlap. Use of find-instances with a t or :all pattern in production code often indicates a missed opportunity to use a more efficient do-instances-of-class, do-instances-on-space-instances, or do-sorted-instances-of-class approach (or their map- variants).

Declared numeric and pseudo probability pattern operators are also supported, for example: =&, =$&, =$, =$$, =$$$, and =% and within&, within$&, within$, within$$, within$$$, and within%.

See also
    Declared numerics

Here are some basic examples of finding hyp unit instances:

  > (find-instances 'hyp (find-space-instance-by-path '(bb hyps)) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (> belief .8)))
  (#<hyp 319 (1835 8419) 0.91 [4..12]>
   #<hyp 331 (1835 8419) 0.88 [15..30]>
   #<hyp 335 (1835 8419) 0.92 [15..35]>
   #<hyp 183 (1835 4791) 0.82 [0..35]>
   #<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 419 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps)
      `(and (= x 1835) 
            (> belief ,(belief-of (find-instance-by-name 331 'hyp)))))
  (#<hyp 319 (1835 8419) 0.91 [4..12]>
   #<hyp 335 (1835 8419) 0.92 [15..35]>
   #<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>)
  > (find-instances '(hyp :no-subclasses) '(bb hyps)
      '(=& (x y) (1835 8419)))
  (#<hyp 319 (1835 8419) 0.91 [4..12]>
   #<hyp 331 (1835 8419) 0.88 [15..30]>
   #<hyp 335 (1835 8419) 0.92 [15..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (within belief (.85 .9))))
  (#<hyp 331 (1835 8419) 0.88 [15..30]>
   #<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 419 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (overlaps velocity-range (0 10))))
  (#<hyp 319 (1835 8419) 0.91 [4..12]>
   #<hyp 183 (1835 4791) 0.82 [0..35]>
   #<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 419 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (overlaps velocity-range (35 40))))
  (#<hyp 335 (1835 8419) 0.92 [15..35]>
   #<hyp 183 (1835 4791) 0.82 [0..35]>
   #<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 419 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (covers velocity-range (0 10))))
  (#<hyp 183 (1835 4791) 0.82 [0..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (covers velocity-range (4 10))))
  (#<hyp 319 (1835 8419) 0.91 [4..12]>
   #<hyp 183 (1835 4791) 0.82 [0..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (within velocity-range (0 10))))
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (within velocity-range (0 20))))
  (#<hyp 319 (1835 8419) 0.91 [4..12]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (starts velocity-range 5)))
  (#<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 419 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (ends velocity-range 30)))
  (#<hyp 331 (1835 8419) 0.88 [15..30]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(and (= x 1835) (abuts velocity-range (5 30))))
  (#<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 331 (1835 8419) 0.88 [15..30]>
   #<hyp 419 (1835 4791) 0.85 [5..35]>)
 > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(is color :silver))
  (#<hyp 183 (1835 4791) 0.82 [0..35]> 
   #<hyp 233 (1835 4791) 0.89 [5..35]>
   #<hyp 231 (1488 7405) 0.63 [0..8]>)
  > (find-instances 'hyp '(bb hyps) 
      '(is-eq color :yellow))
  (#<hyp 331 (1835 8419) 0.88 [15..30]> 
   #<hyp 311 (896 388) 0.68 [0..6]>)

Some examples finding a word unit instance:

  > (find-instances 'word '(words) '(is character #\s))
  (#<word 1>)
  > (find-instances 'word '(words) '(is character #\x))
Find word unit instances with special characters in them:
  > (find-instances 'word '(words) '(overlaps char-code (0 64)))
  (#<word 1>)

Fixnum overlaps comparisons can result in bignum computations if the combined intervals of the pattern and a candidate unit instance exceeds most-positive-fixnum.

The GBBopen Project

find-instance-by-nameInstance Retrievalfind-instances-of-classfind-instancesGoTo Top