compiler-macroexpand-1GBBopen Toolsdecf-aftercounted-deleteGoTo Top

counted-delete   item sequence &key from-end test test-not start end count key => result-sequence, count[Function]

A version of delete that returns the number of items that were deleted as a second value.

Package   :gbbopen-tools

Module   :gbbopen-tools

Arguments and values

item     An object
sequence     A proper sequence
from-end     A generalized boolean (default is nil)
test     A function designator specifying a function object of two arguments that returns a generalized boolean (default is #'eql)
test-not     A function designator specifying a function object of two arguments that returns a generalized boolean (use of :test-not is deprecated)
start     Starting index into sequence (default is 0)
end     Ending index into sequence (default is nil, meaning end of sequence)
count     An integer or nil (default is nil)
key     A function designator specifying a function object of one argument, or nil (default is nil)
result-sequence     A sequence

Two values:

Returns a sequence from which elements that satisfy the test have been deleted. The supplied sequence may be modified in constructing the result; however, modification of the supplied sequence itself is not guaranteed.

Specifying a from-end value of true matters only when the count is provided, and in that case only the rightmost count elements satisfying the test are deleted.

See also


  > (counted-delete 'a '(a b c a b c))
  (b c b c)
  > (counted-delete #\a "abcabc")
  > (counted-delete 'z '(a b c a b c))
  (a b c a b c)
  > (counted-delete #\a "abcabc" :from-end 't :count 1)

This is what delete should have been (and was on the Lisp Machines).

The GBBopen Project

compiler-macroexpand-1GBBopen Toolsdecf-aftercounted-deleteGoTo Top