
We'd like to thank the following companies and organizations for their support:

Franz Inc. and LispWorks Ltd. provided (and continue to provide) Common Lisp licenses and technical support to the Project.

Some early design work for GBBopen was supported by DARPA's Information Exploitation Office (IXO) under contract MDA-972-02-C-0028 to Information Extraction & Transport, Inc.

Other efforts using GBBopen that have indirectly led to contributed GBBopen improvements and enhancements include:

Individual Contributors

Many people have contributed comments, suggestions, design ideas, questions (and answers), bug reports, and code to GBBopen, and we appreciate their time and effort.

Individual contributors to GBBopen include:

Questioners, bug reporters, capability demanders, contributors, and great idea suggesters include: Pascal Costanza, Matthew Danish, Martti Halminen, Michael Hannemann, Anton Kovalenko, Susan Lander, Attila Lendvai, Wendall Marvel, Clayton Morrison, Beryl Nelson, Zack Rubinstein, Bill St. Clair, Earl Wagner, Paul Werkowski, and Huzaifa Zafar.

Legacy Contributors

GBBopen builds upon concepts and ideas that were explored and refined in the UMass Generic Blackboard system and the commercial GBB product. The following people made significant contributions to those systems:

The UMass Generic
Blackboard System

The GBB Product

The UMass Generic Blackboard Project received research support from The National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Office of Naval Research, and Texas Instruments, Inc.

Acknowledgment here does not necessarily imply an endorsement of GBBopen by these organizations or individuals. Disclaimers aside, GBBopen users thank each of you!